HTI Alumni

Luan Henrique Gomes Ribeiro

Luan Henrique Gomes Ribeiro

Post Doctoral Fellow at Princeton Theological Seminary

Field(s) of study: Biblical Studies

Luan Henrique was born and raised in Curitiba, Brazil, where he first interacted with biblical scholarship. As a New Testament scholar, his interests lie in the intersection between objects, ritual, and text, as well as in how social-historical analyses of early Christian communities might enhance the ways modern scholarship approaches the study of the New Testament. He currently works with Christian texts from the first and second centuries CE in which Christ, or the Son of God, appears as an angelic figure. Therefore, his dissertation focuses on models of early Christologies that are angelomorphically framed within Jewish angelology as well as asks the question: why did some early Christians choose angel-related imagery and language to portray the coming of their Messiah? What were the theological and phenomenological appeals of having an archangel-like Christ? Luan Henrique is also a Seventh-day Adventist pastor in the process of ordination.