HTI Alumni

Leonel (Leo) Guardado
Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology, Fordham University
Field(s) of Study: Theology and Systematic Theology
Dr. Guardado received his PhD from the University of Notre Dame with a focus on Theology and Peace Studies. At Fordham University he teaches classes on Latine Theology, Mystical Theology, as well as the introductory theology courses titled, Faith and Critical Reason. His research focuses on the concept and practice of church sanctuary, its ecclesiological implications in a world of mass human displacement, as well as its possibilities for rethinking collective modes of nonviolent resistance. These interests arise not only from his experience as a child in El Salvador where civil war raised profound questions for what it means to be church in the midst of violence, but also by his prior work at the US-Mexico border with parishes and NGO’s that actively respond to the life and death situations of persons crossing the Sonoran desert. Having lived in a Cistercian/Trappist monastery in California, Dr. Guardado’s theological formation and interests also intersect with patristic studies, early church monastic movements, medieval theology, and the ongoing need to do theology in relation to spirituality.