Jean-Pierre Ruiz

Associate Professor in the Department of Theology & Religious Studies at St. John’s University

Dr. Jean-Pierre Ruiz is associate professor in the Department of Theology & Religious Studies at St. John’s University in New York, where he is also Assistant Director of the Institute for Critical Race and Ethnic Studies and a Senior Research Fellow of the Vincentian Center for Church and Society. Ruiz earned his doctorate in biblical studies at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and his book, Readings from the Edges: The Bible and People on the Move was the winner of a Catholic Press Association Award. His Sunday Scripture columns in The Tablet have received six consecutive Catholic Press Association Awards. A past-president of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS), Ruiz has served as a member of the Executive Board of the Catholic Biblical Association of America, and he is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature’s Committee on Underrepresented Minorities in the Profession. He also serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Biblical Literature. Ruiz is the author of the introduction and the verse-by-verse notes on the Apocalypse of John in the New Oxford Annotated Bible, and his recent publications include a book, Revelation in the Vernacular, which is a volume in the series Disruptive Cartographers: Doing Theology Latinamente. During the Obama administration, Ruiz served as a member of the U.S. Department of State’s working group on religion and foreign policy.