HTI Alumni

Andrés Roberto Albertsen
Pastor of Iglesia Luterana Paz y Esperanza and Visitation Pastor at Vinje Lutheran Church, Willmar, MN
Field of Study: Ethics, Religion and Society and Theology
Rev. Dr. Andrés Roberto Albertsen is the Pastor of Iglesia Luterana Paz y Esperanza and the Visitation Pastor at Vinje Lutheran Church, both in Willmar, MN.
Albertsen is a graduate of Luther Seminary. His dissertation is titled, “Love and Politics. A convergent reading of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right and Kierkegaard’s Works of Love.” He also serves as editor of Spanish-language content on Luther Seminary’s website WorkingPreacher.org
As an adjunct instructor, Albertsen has taught classes at St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN, and Luther Seminary. In the Fall of 2024, he will teach the online class “Kierkegaard and Lutheranism in the 21st Century” at the Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico in Spanish.
Albertsen is originally from Argentina and his four grandparents were from Denmark. He pursued his Master of Divinity at Instituto Universitario ISEDET in Buenos Aires and later, after a semester of further studies at the Faculty of Theology of Aarhus University, he got his Argentinean studies officially recognized as a Danish Master’s Degree in Theology. Albertsen was ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark in 1991 and served a Lutheran parish in Denmark as a pastor for half a year. He returned to Argentina in the beginning of 1992 and was the pastor of the Danish Lutheran Church in Buenos Aires (associated with the Danish Church Abroad / Danish Seamen’s Church) for almost twenty years before coming to the U.S. in 2011.