HTI Alumni

Zaida Maldonado Pérez

Zaida Maldonado Pérez

Professor of Church History and Theology, Asbury Theological Seminary, Florida Dunnam Campus (retired)

Field of Study: Church History

Zaida Maldonado Perez is retired professor of Church History and Theology at Asbury Theological Seminary where she taught for fifteen years. Before this, she directed the Hispanic Theological Initiative, housed in Princeton Seminary. She continues to teach as an affiliate at Asbury, other seminaries and Bible Institutes. She is a contributor and one of the Editorial Board Members of the upcoming lectionary series, Connections, to be published by Westminster John Knox Press. Her book is, Latina Evangelicas: A Survey From the Margins, co-authored with Loida I. Martell-Otero and Elizabeth Conde-Frazier (Cascade, 2013). She also has various essays in different books in theology and journals.
