HTI Alumni

Yvette Garcia

Yvette Garcia

Vice President of Advancement, West Coast Bible College and Seminary

Field of Study: Church History

Dr. Yvette Garcia is the Vice President of Advancement at West Coast Bible College and Seminary.  Dr. Garcia completed her PhD at Baylor University in December 2019. Dr. Garcia, who also has an earned Doctor of Ministry degree from Gordon Conwell Seminary, focused her research on the first academic treatment of the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida that captivated Pentecostal and charismatic audiences worldwide in the late 1990s.

She earned her Doctor of Ministry in the Revival and Reform track through Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary under Dr. Garth Rosell. The course work during this program focused on the history of revival in America, how revival brings reform, and how to bring revival to the church today. Her doctoral thesis project analyzed the psychological type and temperament of key leaders of the Great Awakening. Yvette has also taught at Latin-American Bible Institute, Texas.