Stephanie Griswold
Credentials: BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee / MA, San Diego State University / PhD, Claremont Graduate University (Present)
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Specific Field: History
Stephanie is a historian of religion, pursuing an “interfield” PhD degree in the department of history and religion at Claremont Graduate University. She is the research assistant for the Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies and president of the Mormon Studies Student Association. Being a first-generation college graduate of Mexican and Nicaraguan descent, Stephanie plans to move her work on new religious movements in the United States to Latin America and focus on Latin American engagement with new or alternative religions. Her previous research has focused on Fundamentalist Mormonism in the southwestern United States which has led her to find instances of Fundamentalist Mormonism in Mexico that does not focus on white Mormon colonies but rather on indigenous and mestizo communities. Aside from her scholarly work in history and religion, Stephanie also works in archives and museums. She hopes to continue doing preservation and public-facing work as she progresses in her career.