HTI Alumni

Rubén Rosario Rodríguez

Rubén Rosario Rodríguez

Coordinator MTS and MARE Programs, Clarence Louis and Helen Steber Professor of Theological Studies, Saint Louis University

Field(s) of Study: Theology, Ethics, and Systematic Theology 

In my thirteenth year in the Department of Theological Studies at Saint Louis University I teach various courses in constructive, liberationist, and political theologies at the undergraduate and graduate levels. I received a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Princeton Theological Seminary (2004) and an M.Div. from Union Theological Seminary in New York (1995). My undergraduate degree is a B.A. in Philosophy from the College of William and Mary in Virginia (1991).

My first book, Racism and God-Talk: A Latino/a Perspective (New York University Press, 2008), presents a theological analysis of race in North America that draws upon the work of U.S. Latino/a theologians while employing John Calvin as a model for public theology. This book was awarded the Alpha Sigma Nu Book Award in Theology for 2011.

My second monograph, Christian Martyrdom and Political Violence: A Comparative Theology with Judaism and Islam, was published July 2017 by Cambridge University Press. A third monograph is also forthcoming March 2018 entitled Dogmatics After Babel: Beyond the Theologies of Word and Culture to be published by Westminster John Knox Press.

My next major project is to edit the T&T Clark Companion to Political Theology, a 250,000-word anthology with 34 contributions from leading scholars from around the world representing a diversity of disciplines and perspectives.
