Omnia Samra-Latif Estafan

Omnia Samra-Latif Estafan

Omnia Samra-Latif Estafan

Dr. Omnia Samra-Latif Estafan has been practicing Obstetrics & Gynecology for over 17 years but has had a progressing focus on personalized and integrated medicine.  She completed her Medical Degree from UMDNJ – NJ Medical School through the Seven Year Accelerated Program. In addition, Dr-Samra-Latif-Estafan obtained her Master’s in Public Health (MPH) with areas of focus on women’s health and preventive care, from Johns Hopkins University. She is a Certified Menopause Practitioner through the North American Menopause Society.

With this expertise, Dr. Samra-Latif Estafan’s has given numerous lectures both domestically and internationally regarding hormone imbalance, and Anti-Aging And Regenerative Medicine.  To that end, she finds great satisfaction in bringing focused medicine, health, and wellness, to her patients. Dr. Samra-Latif Estafan has a personable and intimate rapport with her patients throughout their inner and outer health journey.

Dr. Samra-Latif Estafan is committed to helping achieve wellness and total health through a holistic and integrative approach to dedicated healthcare. The foundation of her health management follows the principles of Regenerative Medicine by combining both traditional and evidence-based integrative medicine. She emphasizes her focus on the whole person including all aspects of their lifestyle.