
HTI Mentors, thank you for answering the call and for your willingness to support HTI Scholars throughout their doctorate. Your service and commitment is what makes the HTI En Conjunto model a best practice program at graduating Latine PhD students and helping them thrive in their respective leadership positions. 


HTI Mentors support Latine Ph.D. students in the First, Second, and Comprehensive Exam Years of their doctorate. Individuals selected to mentor must be tenured faculty, and/or have seven years or more of teaching experience, and available to mentor for a period of up to three years.  All HTI Mentors are expected to attend the HTI Mentoring Training at the HTI Professional Development Conference.  HTI training ensures that HTI Mentors understand HTI’s En Conjunto Mentoring program and are well equipped to support the HTI Scholar through their doctoral journey.  At the Mentor’s Training, HTI Mentors will also have an opportunity to meet their mentees and begin their mentoring relationship. Additionally, the mentee and the HTI Mentor will coordinate a mentor’s visit to the institution and include the advisor and faculty to partner with them in being responsive to the student’s particular needs and interests.


If you would like to be considered as a future HTI mentor, please contact

Mentor’s Requirements:

  • Attend the Mentor’s Training during the HTI annual Summer Workshop
  • Sign the HTI Mentoring Agreement Form
  • Submit a W-9 form each calendar year for honoraria disbursements
  • Meet in person with the mentee once during the academic year, and when visiting them at their institution, also meet with advisor and faculty
  • Support a mentee towards a teaching experience, lecture, and publication of an article
  • Submit the Mentor’s Visitation Report within two weeks of the visit
  • Submit expenses incurred during the mentor’s visit within two weeks after the visit.  Expenses not to exceed $750.
  • Submit Mentor’s End-of-Year Report Form before May 1st.
All Forms

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Expense Guidelines

Expense Guidelines