HTI Alumni

Néstor Medina
Associate Professor of Religious Ethics and Culture, Emmanuel College of Victoria University in the University of Toronto
Field(s) of Study: Theology and Systematic Theology
Néstor Medina is a Guatemalan-Canadian Scholar and Assistant professor of Religious Ethics and Culture. He engages the field of ethics from contextual, liberationist, intercultural, and Post and Decolonial perspectives. He studies the intersections between people’s cultures, histories, ethnoracial relations, and forms of knowledge in religious and theoethical traditions. He also studies Pentecostalism in the Americas. He was the recipient of a First Book Grant for Minority Scholars (2014) and a Project Grant for Researchers (2018). He is currently working on the ethnoracial relations during colonial Latin America and the influence of religion in those relations.
Néstor has an extensive experience in teaching in a variety of cultural contexts and settings. He has taught for: Atlantic School of Theology, Brite Divinity School, Regent University, and Conrad Grebel University College. For the last 12 years, Néstor has participated with the United Church as a part of the People in Partnership program by going to Cuba and teach at the Seminario Evangélico de Teología (SET). Néstor is also an ordained minister of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
Besides teaching and researching, He enjoys good food from different cultural backgrounds.
Néstor is the author of Christianity, Empire and the Spirit (Brill 2018), On the Doctrine of Discovery (CCC, 2017), a booklet, and Mestizaje: (Re)Mapping ‘Race,’ Culture, and Faith in Latina/o Catholicism (Orbis, 2009), which was the winner of the 2012 Hispanic Theological Initiative book award. He is co-editor of Reading in Between (with Alison Hari-Singh and HyeRan Kim-Cragg); Pentecostals and Charismatics in Latin America and Latino Communities (with Sammy Alfaro); and Theology and the Crisis of Engagement (with Jeff Nowers).