Matthew Arakaky

Credentials: BA, University of Virginia / MDiv, Princeton Theological Seminary / MA, The University of Chicago / PhD, Duke University (Present)

Denomination: Church of God (Cleveland, TN)

Specific Field: Biblical Studies


Matthew was born in Arlington, Virginia to a Bolivian-Japanese father and a German-Italian mother. As a child, he lived in Bolivia for three years – an experience that shaped and solidified his own Hispanic identity. At Princeton Seminary, he was the recipient of the Princeton Seminary Fellowship, the Henry Snyder Gehman Award in Old Testament, and the Senior Fellowship in Old Testament. His research languages include German, French, Spanish, Hebrew (classical, historical, modern), Koine Greek, Aramaic (various dialects), Akkadian, and Ugaritic. His interests lie in the literary, theological, and historical approaches to the Hebrew Bible, and as an aspiring minister, he especially hopes to bring the local church into theological and academic conversations.