HTI Alumni

Roberto Mata
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Santa Clara University
Field of Study: Religion
Roberto Mata received his M.Div. and Th.D. in New Testament/Early Christianity from Harvard Divinity School. As an assistant professor of contextual biblical studies, his research explores the intersection of colonialism, race/ethnicity, and migration, among other topics, in New Testament texts in general, and the book of Revelation in particular. In his teaching, Dr. Mata often employs critical pedagogies as well as borderlands, postcolonial and critical race theories to help students map the power relations inscribed in biblical texts as well as their implications for the common good. Dr. Mata is also a Center Scholar at Seattle University’s Center for Religious Wisdom and World Affairs. He is a recipient of Harvard’s Derek Bok Center Award for teaching excellence and Harvard Divinity School’s William’s Fellowship. He has also received fellowships from the Hispanic Theological Initiative (HTI) and the Forum for Theological Exploration (FTE).