Luis Javier De Prada
Credentials: BA, Barry University / MA, Barry University / PhD, Boston University (present)
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Specific Field: Practical Theology
Luis was born and raised in Cuba until his family decided to migrate to Miami, Florida, in 2008. After graduating from high school, he decided to pursue a BA in theology and philosophy and soon thereafter discerned to continue graduate studies in practical theology. For four years, Luis taught Catholic Social Thought and World Religions at Immaculata La Salle High School where he engaged the youth in and outside of the classroom under both academic and ministerial roles. Throughout his theological formation, Luis has developed a genuine passion for the arts, especially music, social sciences, service, Judeo-Christian spiritualities, spiritual direction, discernment, social justice, and most importantly, faith in its ever-enriching multicultural environment. Thus, he is very fascinated with the dynamics of orthodoxy and orthopraxis in the evolving journey of the people of faith in the contemporary world to which he has dedicated his PhD studies since its start in 2022.