HTI Alumni

Nora Lozano- Díaz
Executive Director, Christian Latina Leadership Institute
Field(s) of Study: Theology and Systematic Theology
Dr. Nora O. Lozano is the Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Christian Latina Leadership Institute. She received her Ph.D. and M. Phil. in Religious and Theological Studies at Drew University, Madison, NJ, her M.Div. at Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, now Palmer Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA, and her B.A. in Social Communication at Universidad Regiomontana in Monterrey, Mexico. Her academic interests are centered in the areas of systematic, Hispanic/Latin@, Latin American, and women’s theologies as well as leadership studies. Her writings include chapters in books, essays in theological dictionaries, devotionals, and Bible studies. In addition, she writes for digital publications such as Baptist News Global, Baptist Standard, Good Faith Media, and Christianity Today.
The work of the Christian Latina Leadership Institute (CCLI) is devoted to the discovery, development, nurturance, and empowerment of women leaders from a Latina perspective to be transformational agents in church and community settings. The CLLI offers a three-year certificate in Latina Leadership Studies, and is open to Latinas and Latinas at heart. The CLLI is housed at Baptist University of the Américas, and has sites in the United States of America and Mexico.
Professor Lozano is a member of the Baptist World Alliance Commission on Doctrine and Christian Unity, and has served the global Baptist family in different capacities. She attends Woodland Baptist Church in San Antonio, TX where she lives with her family.