Jasmin Figueroa

BA, The City College of New York / MDiv and MACEF, Princeton Theological Seminary / PhD, Boston University School of Theology
Jasmin grew up in New York City, where she spent her life being influenced, in one way or another, by the different religious traditions that surrounded her. Through her extended family, she learned about Mennonite, Latina Evangélica, (afro-Caribbean) Catholic, Evangelical Christian, and Jewish beliefs and practices. Her own experiences growing up Catholic, attending an Evangélica/Presbyterian church, and later an Evangelical/Pentecostal church, majoring in Jewish Studies in undergrad, and interning as a pastor at a Reformed church and a chaplain at an inpatient psychiatric hospital while attending seminary further shaped her theologies and research interests. Jasmin has a deep appreciation for the roles that practical and pastoral theologies play in shaping communities, and seeks to highlight the ways that all people contribute to (and participate in) theological formation. Her dissertation project seeks to explore the ways that US millennials from minoritized communities embrace culturally competent and affirming theologies and care practices to mitigate the harms of oppressions.