HTI Scholars


As an HTI Scholar, students in their First, Second, and Comprehensive Exam year receive the following benefits:

  • Participation in the annual Professional Development Conference, which offers hands-on seminars led by highly experienced leaders focused on specific levels of study, including writing, pedagogy seminars, and career orientation sessions.
  •  Assignment of a senior scholar as a mentor (for a period of up to three years) to aid the scholar in navigating the doctoral program, helping to expand the student’s networking capacity, and collaborating with the student’s advisor and faculty at her/his institution.
  •  Networking funds to gain access to other Latine scholarly resources, allowing for opportunities to meet and work with future colleagues at national meetings, as well as providing support for the eventual publishing of the scholar’s work.
  • Ability to apply for Capacity Building Funds which provide financial support to scholars facing a current unexpected circumstance that may derail them from their doctoral studies.

Scholars in the Fourth Year (Proposal and Research) receive all of the benefits listed above.  However, these scholars will be assigned an HTI editor and must complete a monthly report.