Book Prize Guidelines


The award recognizes and rewards the best book written by a junior Latine scholar on theology or religion each year. The prize includes a $1,000 monetary award and a guest lectureship at the annual HTI Professional Development Conference at Princeton Theological Seminary. Its immediate and long-term goals are to:

    • Present models that will inspire further contributions by Latine scholars.
    • Help leverage tenure for the junior scholars.
    • Recognize, reward, and publicize annually the best book written by a Latine junior scholar on theology or religion.
    • Furnish faculty with the best and most current Latine book(s) to select required and recommended course texts.



    • Nominations for the Book Prize are open between July 1- June 30;
    • Book authors must Latine scholars who have not received tenure by the time nomination is submitted;
    • Books must be in the areas of theology or religion;
    • Only books published no later than one year preceding the nomination submission will be considered;
    • Keeping in line with the purposes of the prize’s long-term goals, only works published in English will be considered;
    • Scholars are allowed to nominate their manuscripts.