HTI Alumni

Juan Hernández
Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies, Bethel University
Field of Study: Theology and Biblical Studies
Dr. Juan Hernández is the Professor of Biblical Studies at Bethel University. He holds an MDiv and a ThM from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and a PhD from Emory University. His research centers on New Testament and early Christianity, with a special interest in New Testament Textual Criticism, especially the text of the Apocalypse and its reception history. Dr. Hernández’s dissertation—Scribal Habits and Theological Influences in the Apocalypse: The Singular Readings of Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus, and Ephraemi (Mohr Siebe, 2006)—was published by a major German publisher and won international awards. He also co-authored the first English translation of Josef Schmid’s Studies in the History of the Greek Text of the Apocalypse: The Ancient Stems (SBL Press, 2018), which until now has only been available in German.