HTI Alumni

Renata Furst-Lambert
Associate Dean for Hispanic Engagement and Montalbano Chair in Scripture, Oblate School of Theology
Field of Study: Biblical Studies
Dr. Furst specializes in the areas of scripture and spirituality. In Scripture, she is specifically interested in Prophetic Literature in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Biblical Hermeneutics, Wisdom Literature, the Pentateuch, and Hispanic/Latino(a) Biblical Interpretation. In spirituality, her areas of interest are Ignatian Spirituality, Spiritual Direction, and the Biblical Roots of Christian Spirituality. She is particularly interested in hermeneutics, employing approaches as diverse as the hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur, narratology, discourse analysis, and possible world theory to the intersection between Scripture and spirituality. Dr. Furst has also designed and taught graduate courses from a Hispanic/Latino(a) perspective for the Hispanic Summer Program.
She is particularly interested in teaching, human formation, and spiritual direction from an intercultural perspective. Dr. Furst is a regular instructor in Oblate’s continuing education programs and a member of the Congar Institute’s faculty. In addition, she serves as a pedagogical consultant and instructor for the Programa de espiritualidad y direccion espiritual. She also teaches in Magis, a program to train spiritual directors to accompany others in the Annotation 19 format of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Dr. Furst received a Dissertation Fellowship from the Hispanic Theological Initiative to complete her work titled: Prophecy as a Narrative World: A Study of the World-Constructing Conventions and Narrative Techniques in Hosea 1-3.