HTI Alumni
Christian Sánchez
Assistant Professor of New Testament at Union Presbyterian Seminary
Field(s) of Study: Biblical Studies
Christian’s interest in the Bible was cultivated early by a family who loved to gather together to taste his abuelita’s menudo and discuss God, life, history, and family. These experiences sparked his passion for the study of the New Testament and Christian origins. He is now an Assistant Professor of New Testament at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Charlotte, NC. His dissertation, entitled “Infiltrating Satan’s Ranks: Tax Collectors and Soldiers in Luke and Acts,” was completed under the direction of Dr. Mikeal Parsons at Baylor University. In it, Christian investigates the ways Luke imagined Jesus bringing civil war to Satan’s world—specifically to the Roman Empire—in order to usurp supreme power over the world and establish the Kingdom of God. Luke believed that God’s infiltration and division of Satan’s Empire was beginning at the Empire’s grassroots; God was turning tax collectors and soldiers into agents of God’s economy and security. At UPSem, Christian aims to bring Scripture, early Christianity, God, and our stories together for conversations that proclaim the gospel and promote liberation and, empowerment in Christ.