Robert Vincent Martínez
Credentials: BA, Howard Payne University / MDiv, George W. Truett Theological Seminary – Baylor University / PhD, Drew University (Present)
Denomination: Baptist (Cooperative Baptist Fellowship)
Specific Field: Cultural and Historical Studies of Religion
Robert “Bobby” Martínez was born in Hampton, Virginia to a Mexican immigrant mother and Mexican-American father. A second-generation Latino, Bobby initially felt called to ministry like his grandfather before him, Rev. Vicente Garcia-Garcia. However, upon graduating from Howard Payne University, and later George W. Truett Theological Seminary, he would sense a calling to the academy as he continued to wrestle with questions of identity, migration, and the legacy of colonialism in Latin America. As a student of World Christianity, his research interests are interdisciplinary and lie at the intersection of Latin American Missions and Church Histories, Theologies, and Anthropology (Postcolonial Studies). With aspirations of working within and along the borderlands between the Church and the academy, Bobby finds hope in the possibility of his research and professional life one day providing support to the next generation of Latines en la lucha.