Yaheli Vargas-Ramos
Credentials: BA, University of Puerto Rico / MAR, Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico / ThM, Vanderbilt University / PhD, Drew University (present)
Denomination: Pentecostal
Specific Fields: Theology and Economics
Yaheli Vargas-Ramos was born and raised in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. In his doctoral program, Vargs-Ramos is interested in studying the debt-salvation relationship that exists in both the Bible and Christian theology and how this manifests itself in the colonial context of Puerto Rico. Drawing from the rich tradition of Latin American Liberation Theology, his theological proposal draws on the concept of idolatry to identify contemporary idols that continue to demand the sacrifice of human lives. He is also interested in the concept of kenosis, as a theological movement where divinity is freely emptied in those who are suffocated by debt.