HTI Alumni

Manuel Villalobos-Mendoza

Manuel Villalobos-Mendoza

Affiliated Assistant Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Chicago Theological Seminary

Field(s) of Study: Biblical Studies & Religion and Society 

Dr. Villalobos Mendoza’s approach to the Bible takes seriously both the body and the experience of community as a locus of biblical interpretation. In Latin America, this approach is called Vida-Texto-Vida/Life-Text-Life. Dr. Villalobos Mendoza has developed a hermeneutic approach to interpreting scripture that he calls del otro lado (from the other side), in order to give voice to those abjected bodies than had been excluded from the biblical narrative. This approach focuses on concepts of otherness, masculinity, “borderland,” migration, race, economy, gender, queerness, and ecology.

BA, Universidad Pontificia de México (México), 1992
MDiv, Catholic Theological Union, 2001.
MA, Catholic Theological Union, 2002.
PhD, Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, 2010.

Cuerpos Abyectos en el Evangelio de Marcos (Córdoba: Editorial el Almendro, 2015).
When Men Were Not Men: Masculinity and Otherness in the Pastoral Epistles (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2014)
Cristianos de la Segunda Generación. Las Epístolas Pastorales Desde el Otro Lado (Córdoba: Editorial el Almendro, 2013).
Abject Bodies in the Gospel of Mark (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2012)