Peer Mentoring Clusters
Faculty who attend Wabash year-long programming




Peer Mentoring Clusters   * * *Faculty who attend Wabash year long programming


The Wabash Center funds 10 grants each year to support small groups for peer-to-peer mentoring. These are designated for mid-career faculty of color who have been participants in a past Wabash Center workshops or colloquies, and are intended to support the development of multi-year relationships with a small group of colleagues.

Minoritized faculty face particular challenges and pressures and can benefit from networks of peer-to-peer mentoring. Peer mentoring conversations can surface ways to meet the demands of mid-career teaching and administrative responsibilities. They can also provide faculty of color with strategies not only to discern challenges and pressures, but to navigate them as well.

The form and focus of these conversations are open for the applicants to design within the parameters of the Wabash Center mission. Key to successful proposals is to a design that structures a series of gatherings for conversation that build a network of support for the exploration of one’s academic vocation and the teaching life.

Each spring we gather the cluster leaders whose proposals have been accepted in the March adjudication for a required initial meeting at the Wabash Center. This meeting is designed to help cluster leaders think about the purposes and processes of the Peer Mentoring Clusters.


The applicant (Cluster Leader) must be a past or current participant in a Wabash Center workshop or colloquy – by which we mean one of the year-long workshops or colloquies at the Wabash Center that meet for successive winters or summers.                                                            

Not intended for disciplinary research or publication


Up to $7,500 to support small groups for peer-to-peer mentoring


Deadline for Proposals is March 24, 2022.


Additional questions, please contact:

Dr. Tim Lake
Associate Director, Wabash Center