2011 HTI Book Prize Winner

Divino Compañero: Toward a Hispanic Pentecostal Christology

Sammy Alfaro

Sammy Alfaro

Divino Compañero explores the necessary foundations for constructing a Hispanic Pentecostal Christology. Although traditionally Pentecostal Christologies have been anchored in a two-nature Chalcedonian model, Alfaro proposes that Spirit-Christology is a more suitable paradigm for a Hispanic Pentecostal Christology, provided it is grounded in the experience, faith, and worship of its community and oriented toward liberative praxis. After reviewing the Christological reflection of early Pentecostals and the contemporary turn to Spirit-Christology, Alfaro lays out the main components needed to construct a Christological model born out of the Hispanic Pentecostal reality, rooted in the broader Pentecostal Christological imagination, and informed by the Pentecostal way of doing theology. Following this method, Alfaro concludes the central metaphor of Hispanic Pentecostal Christology is El Divino Compañero, for in their pilgrimage through this world it is Jesus, the Divine Companion, who through the Spirit guides and nurtures his followers on their way back home.