Dia del Amor y la Amistad

HTI En Conjunto Association builds relationships strengthening a support network for Latine scholars in religion and theology. ECA celebrates el Dia del Amor y la Amistad to highlight the value of these friendships.

Tony & Maziel

“These are the relationships that make our work possible and allow us to pursue our work in a spirit of solidarity and kinship”

Working toward a PhD can be a lonely experience. Reading stacks of books, studying for comprehensive exams, and writing a dissertation are processes that demand isolation. If we are lucky, we have the support of our families and find collegiality among peers at our institutions. But without HTI, many of us may never meet another scholar of color with whom we share language, culture, traditions, and challenges.

HTI has provided us not only with meaningful friendship, but with an extended family. And on the days when we feel like giving up, of which there are many, the random texts and phone calls from this family help us feel reconnected and remind us of the important work that we are doing. They are the people we seek out at conferences to share successes and struggles, to laugh, to tell stories, and to break bread. These are the relationships that make our work possible and allow us to pursue our work in a spirit of solidarity and kinship.

-Maziel Barreto Dani &Tony Alonso