Authored Books





De La Torre, Miguel A.

Burying White Privilege: Resurrecting a Badass Christianity. Eerdmans, 2018.

Embracing Hopelessness. Fortress Press, 2017.

Faith and Resistance in the Age of Trump. Orbis Books, 2017.

Introducing Latinx Theologies. Orbis Books, 2020.

Introducing Liberative Theologies. Orbis Books, 2015.

The Politics of Jesus: A Hispanic Political Theology (Religion in the Modern World). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2015.

Liberation Theology for Armchair Theologians. Westminster John Knox Press, 2013. 

Beyond the Pale: Reading Christian Ethics from the Margins. Westminster John Knox Press, 2011. Co-Author: Stacy Floyd-Thomas

Beyond the Pale: Reading Christian Theology from the Margins. Westminster John Knox Press, 2011. Co-Author: Stacy Floyd-Thomas

Genisis: Belief, A Theological Commentary on the Bible.  Westminster John Knox Press, 2011.

The Quest for the Historical Satan. Fortress Press, 2011. 

Latina/o Social Ethics: Moving Beyond Eurocentric Moral Thinking. Baylor University Press, 2010. 

Encyclopedia on Hispanic American Religious Culture, Volume 1. ABC-CLIO Publishers, 2009.

Encyclopedia on Hispanic American Religious Culture, Volume 2. ABC-CLIO Publishers, 2009.

Out of the Shadows, Into the Light: Christianity and Homosexuality. Chalice Press, 2009.

Trails of Hope and Terror: Testimonies on Immigration. Orbis Books, 2009. 

The Hope of Liberation in World Religions. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2008.

A Lily Among the Thorns: Imagining a New Christian Sexuality. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2007.

Liberating Jonah: Forming an Ethics of Reconciliation. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2007.

Handbook of Latina/o Theologies. St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2006.

Rethinking Latino(a) Religion & Identity. Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, 2006.

Leer la Biblia desde los Marginados. Ediciones Mensajero, 2005.

Doing Christian Ethics From The Margins. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2004.

Handbook on US Theologies of Liberation. St Louis: Chalice Press, 2004.

Santeria: The Beliefs And Rituals Of A Growing Religion In America.Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2004.

La Lucha for Cuba: Religion and Politics on the Streets of Miami. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2003.

Reading the Bible from the Margins. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2002.

The Quest for the Cuban Christ. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2002.

Introducing Latino/a Theologies. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2001.

The Colonial Compromise: The Threat of the Gospel to the Indigenous Worldview by Dr. Miguel A. De La Torre

Gonna Trouble the Water: Ecojustice, Water, and Environmental Racism by Dr. Miguel A. De La Torre 

José Martí’s Liberative Political Theology by Miguel A. De La Torre

Ferreras, Marlene

Insurrectionist Wisdoms: Toward a North American Indigenized Pastoral Theology (Environment and Religion in Feminist-Womanist, Queer, and Indigenous Perspectives).Lexington Books, 2022.

Flores, Daniel

Profetas en América published by GBHEM Books

Respectable Methodism: Nathan Bangs and Respectability in Nineteenth-Century American Methodism. Wipf & Stock, 2023.

Martell-Otero, Loida
Martell-Otero, Loida, Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, and Zaida Maldonado Pérez.  Latina Evangélicas: A Theological Survey from the Margins. Cascade Books, 2013.

Martell-Otero, Loida, and José David RodríguezTeología en Conjunto: A Collaborative Hispanic Protestant Theology. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1997.

Pérez, Zaida Maldonado
Ramirez, Daniel
Zegarra, Raúl

Una fe solidaria con el tiempo: Los proyectos teológicos de Gustavo Gutiérrez y David Tracy en perspectiva (Saarbrücken: Credo Libros, 2013)

La subversión de la esperanza: Diálogo contemporáneo entre teología de la liberación, filosofía y opción por los pobres (Lima: PUCP, CEP & IBC, 2015)

Dos lenguajes teológicos: Un ensayo sobre el carácter público de nuestras creencias religiosas (Bogotá: Editorial Bonaventuriana, 2015)

A Revolutionary Faith: Liberation Theology Between Public Religion and Public Reason (Cultural Memory in the Present). Stanford University Press, 2023.