
HTI Mentors, thank you for answering the call and for your willingness to support HTI Scholars throughout their doctorate. Your service and commitment is what makes the HTI En Conjunto model a best practice program at graduating Latine PhD students and helping them thrive in their respective leadership positions.
HTI Mentors support Latine Ph.D. students in the First, Second, and Comprehensive Exam Years of their doctorate. Individuals selected to mentor must be tenured faculty, and/or have seven years or more of teaching experience, and available to mentor for a period of up to three years. All HTI Mentors are expected to attend the HTI Mentoring Training at the HTI Professional Development Conference. HTI training ensures that HTI Mentors understand HTI’s En Conjunto Mentoring program and are well equipped to support the HTI Scholar through their doctoral journey. At the Mentor’s Training, HTI Mentors will also have an opportunity to meet their mentees and begin their mentoring relationship. Additionally, the mentee and the HTI Mentor will coordinate a mentor’s visit to the institution and include the advisor and faculty to partner with them in being responsive to the student’s particular needs and interests.
HTI Expense Guidelines
Expense Guidelines Summary
This is a quick expense reference, for a detailed report please view/print the HTI Expense Guidelines Form.
Reimbursement requests must be submitted, without exception, on an Expense Statement (T-5 Reimbursement Form), to the Assistant Director, Angela Schoepf, within 15 days from the last date expenses were incurred for the specific meeting or event. HTI will not process requests not submitted in a timely manner.
Original itemized receipts must be submitted to support all expenses other than tips and personal auto mileage. No expenses will be reimbursed unless they are properly documented.
The mailing address noted on the form must be your home address, not that of your school/institution.
- For HTI sponsored events, our commitment is to reimburse you for transportation costs to/from the event, with your point of origin being your place of residence.
Air Travel
- All reservations should be secured at least one month prior to the trip, via our travel agent, Graycar Travel. Please contact Sue Flaherty at 609-587-0306 or1-800-755-5514, providing her with your preferred travel dates/times. She will forward to us an itinerary that we will authorize, usually within 24 hours of receiving the itinerary, for purchase with our credit card. Fares over $500 will receive special attention, and may require more time to authorize.
- HTI will only cover luggage fees if there are no free carry-on options.
Surface Transportation
- Hotel courtesy cars and airport public transportation to central cities should be used, if they are available.
- When expenses for car mileage are submitted, these must be accompanied by a Mapquest search.
- Travel by private automobile will be reimbursed at the IRS per-mile rate (currently at $0.54 US per mile).
- The maximum rate HTI will cover is $150, including taxes.
- HTI will not cover alcohol, snacks, health clubs, mini-bars, room service (unless it is needed due to illness or late arrival at the destination), telephone use, or in-room movies.
- The amount allowed is $50 per day, to cover breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- HTI will not reimburse for alcohol, coffee, bottled water, or for snacks (unless they are in lieu of a meal.)
- The original itemized receipt is required in addition to the credit card slip.
- When meal expenses include charges for individuals other than the traveler, the receipt must state the name(s) and the business purpose.
- HTI will only cover meal expenses at the airport or at a hotel if your arrival or departure times are delayed.
- Meals will not be reimbursed when meal service, including Continental breakfast, is provided as part of the meeting agenda.
- Meals: 15% of the total bill. Additional tips will not be covered for hotel meals where an 18% gratuity is automatically added to the check.
- Cabs: 10% of the fare total.
- Bellhop: One dollar per piece of luggage.
- Housekeeper: One dollar per day for each person in the room.
Effective date: January 1, 2016 until further notice
- HTI Expense Guidelines
- T-5 Reimbursement Form (Download)