Hispanic Theological Initiative (HTI)

Series on Religion and Theology En Conjunto

A book series published by Baylor University Press


The Hispanic Theological Initiative Series on Religion and Theology En Conjunto welcomes multidisciplinary works that dialogue primarily with theology, history of Christianity, sociology, and biblical studies as they relate to issues of justice, minoritized identities and power dynamics, and/or other related aspects of contemporary scholarship on religion and theology. The series seeks to promote significant research with a global profile and engender fruitful and lively conversations among adherents to divergent approaches, topics, and disciplines. The specific thematic unity of the series will be justice issues and questions of racial/ethnic identity that are broadly defined.

The series’ editorial team are currently acquiring manuscripts written by scholars from multiple backgrounds and at different stages in their careers. In addition, the series is open to considering proposals for single-authored manuscripts, multiple-authored manuscripts, and edited volumes. Proposed edited volumes, however, must feature discussions about cohesive topics, with a strong thematic unity among its chapters.