Hannah Baz-Garza

Credentials: BA, Abilene Christian University / MAR, Yale Divinity School / PhD, Yale University (present)

Denomination: Non-Affiliated

Specific Field: Biblical Studies


Hannah was born and raised in Houston, Texas to Mexican-American parents. Having a deep interest in a ministerial career, she went to Abilene Christian University to pursue a degree in Youth and Family Ministry. However, while there, Hannah fell in love with the academic study of the New Testament. Throughout the years, she has developed a strong interest in translation studies and how the various reception histories of the New Testament have contributed to harmful translations, specifically to historically minoritized people groups. She is interested in exploring how the reproductions, annotations, and overall display of New Testament manuscripts and patristic homilies provide us with still images of how communities interpreted the text. Her approach to understanding these interpretive spaces lies at the intersection of reception history, New Testament textual criticism, and hermeneutics.